El Ray
by Nora Cassaola PSJA Southwest HS Troupe: 10950 |
Fishers of Men
by Badilla Siena PSJA Southwest HS Troupe: 10590 |
The Gauntlet
by Drew Gordon Memorial High School Troupe: 2980 |
The Frontlines
by KC Cerda Edgewood Fine Arts Academy Troupe: 7382 |
The Little Wizard
by Skylin Allgood Sandra Day O'Connor HS Troupe: 5872 |
SHORT FILMS WILL BE DUE OCTOBER 28TH BY 11:59 pm in Submittable!
In a Short Film adjudication, the Thespian must create an original short film. The film must be of original content and may be a collaboration among up to 16 Thespians total, inclusive of actors, technicians, writers, and directors. Adaptations are not permitted. Only one (1) film may be submitted per student/group in one of the following genres: Short Live-Action Film, Short Animated Film, Short Documentary Film. Separate rubrics are included for each category. Required Materials
Required Elements & Format
The film must adhere to the following requirements:
Directors must submit the work in Submittable in advance of in-person adjudications so the adjudicators can thoroughly evaluate the material and provide feedback. Skills Measured The skills measured by the adjudicators are:
An easy to use in the classroom resource for teachers and students. Meant to be printed on one piece of paper and includes additional information and the rubric
Link to the official Nationals website information and rubric. These are the same as ours but this is the rubric you will see used during festival adjudication.
TEA CPE Provider #902-342